
How To Avoid Duplicate Content and Make Money Using Articles

Are you using articles to make money online with your website or blog? In this article I want to point out a reason not to use articles if they are not your own. Are you having trouble keeping your blog or website fresh? By fresh I mean new content. Content that a visitor to your site would come back to see as well as content a search engine will come back and spider. How would you like to be a search engine. Your job is to look for current content that is relevant to the websites you are searching and then tell your visitors where to find it. It's a tough job because there are billions of pages of content to look at and some website owners just keep rehashing the same old crap over and over If you want to be a hero to a search engine and keep your traffic coming back to your blog or website then use articles to do it.

You may immediately discount this notion because you can not write. So you go to, or some popular article directory, and you find an article you like.

Then you copy and paste it in your blog for everyone to read. You now feel you have added fresh content for eveyone to see. Actually you have added duplicate content because their is nothing unique about an old article that is probably already all over the Internet. If you use existing articles you should write you own introduction. Then add a lengthy paragraph in the middle and finally write a summary about what has just been read. Now you have given yourself a chance that a search engine will view it as somewhat unique.

But I will be honest here. I personally do not like to put existing writer's work on my website because of the bio box. When you use their articles you have to keep everything intact including the resource box.

In a resource box the author is giving you his website url as well as a reason to leave your web page and come to his. That is what he supposed to do. Why work to get visitors to your website and then give them away to another author.

Here is a better way to make money using articles. 1. Write your own.

2. Hire someone to write for you. If you hire a writer be sure you are getting exclusive rights to the article you are buying. This means you get to copyright them 100% as your own. These are not private label right articles that are being sold over and over, even in a limited quantity. This is now fresh content and it is owned by you.

Now you get to include your bio box when you submit it to an article directory. You get the credit when a search engine spiders your website. Some of you can not write your own articles and that is o.k. Because the internet is all about providing useful information if you want a profitable business, and potential free traffic in the future, you have to address your content needs.

Hiring a writer to make money using articles is a relatively cheap investment in your business and one that can continue to pay off in the future as well.

Jeff Schuman is the creator of "Hands Off Article Marketing" a program designed to help internet busines owners who do not like to write. Now you can take your business to the next level using article marketing without doing the work yourself. To learn more usefeul make money online and article writing tips please visit his website here: --->


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