Make MoneyEarning extra cash online is not simple, however with the right strategy anyone can do it, with the wrong strategy you can lose money. Many individuals like you, who want to earn extra money, do not have large advertising budgets and as such waste their budget on the wrong marketing strategies. Over the last 6 years I have spent a lot of time trying different marketing ideas and keep coming back to the same old way for selling product and gaining a good customer base that repeat buy my products time after time. As much as people hate it these days, eBay is a fantastic source of gaining customers if you use the data in the correct way. I see so many people looking at the prices products are sold for on eBay and not at the potential that the customer can bring you. If you were to use a Pay Per Click marketing strategy this could cost you may pounds just to get one sale, by using eBay it will only cost you a few pennies to make a sale. So even if you sell an item at cost you have the most important information which is priceless, the customer details! Whilst the customer costs me less to gain, I then use them to gain more profit by marketing correctly to them once I have their details. This works because I have the customers trust; I have received payment from them and delivered the goods that they have ordered on time and as described, this means that when the customer needs another product that I supply they will use me again with confidence. How do you get customers to buy from you again and again? Focus on Informational Emails! When a customer is ready to buy your product, you cannot have a sales person sat in front of them asking for the order. By using informational emails you can stay in their mind. This will then give you a greater chance of getting the order when the customer next needs it. Your best bet is to have central database with all your contacts in and mail then once every 3-4 weeks. BUT REMEMBER - these emails are not special offers to your customers, or to ask them to buy your product directly (you can do these too, but in a separate email). These emails would be a write up about a specific brand or product that you sell, with links to your website or to the specific product. Let me give you an example, if your business is selling widget's and the widget manufacturer ran a TV campaign write a review on this product and send it to your customers! This strategy works because people like to keep information, however special offer emails only work if the customer needs the product at that time. How many times have you received a special offer by email and deleted it with or without reading it because you do not have a need for it? Like most people probably the majority of the time. However if you are interested in the product and get sent information you will keep it, and this acts as a reminder to you when you actually need the product. Learn how to make money from your existing customer base and add to your customer base with cost effective marketing. Make money online without it costing a fortune on advertising your products. Make money from home the easy way.
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