
Secrets of HTML Tags

When creating your websites to be W3C compliant, you know that HTML tags are important. You will need to include these tags throughout the pages and be sure to use them in the proper format so that your pages come out the way that you want them to. Here are some common html tags that you will need to know when creating your pages. When you learn these tags, you will be set to create compliant pages that look great and contain all your information. Once you have created a template for the layout of your pages, you can reuse the same one each time, changing only the specifics such as the title, the font type, color, size, etc.

These secrets to HTML tags below will help you create your pages quickly and easily. Title Tags <title>put your keyword phrases here</title> META Tags <meta name="description" content="this is your web page description"/> <meta name="keywords" content="this is where your keywords and phrases go"/> Href Tag This is the tag that explains to your browser how to find fonts and other items you place in your CSS or style sheets. <link href="your-style.

css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> If you have a unique page: <style type="text/css"> /*This is for all base fonts only*/ .base { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans serif; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; line-height: normal; font-weight: normal: color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff; text-align: left; padding-left: .3cm; padding-right; .3cm; } /*End of base fonts only*/ Favicon If you choose to use a favicon (that little icon that shows in the browser before the http:// part of the link), then you need to know how to insert your favicon. Use the code below: <link rel="shortcut icon"href="/favicon.

ico" /> Head Remember to use your head <head> and head closer </head>. If you use Javascript on your page, it will usually go here in the header section as well. Now for the rest of your page, you will need to know: <body> The body of your page can go in the tags like this.</body> If you have multiple headlines, you will write them as: <h1>Headline 1</h1> <h2>Headline 2</h2> <h3>Headline 3</h3> <h4>Headline 4</h4> <h5>Headline 5</h5> <p>Insert your paragraph inside these tags.

</p> <em>This will add emphasis to your type</em> (in most browsers, this adds italics) <strong>This will add emphasis to your type</strong> (in most browsers, this adds boldface) There are of course, many more html tags to learn, but when you have these important basics, you can do most anything you want to do with your web page while still remaining in compliance with the W3C. Remember, you can use the W3C validater at by simply putting in the URL of the page you want checked.

It will verify whether the page you constructed is XHTML compliant.

? Resource Box ? This article may be distributed freely on your website, as long as this entire article, including working links and this resource box are unchanged. For more tools, tips, and tricks of the trade, go to: - Empowering You to Empower Your Business. Copyright 2007 Larry Lang All Rights Reserved. Lang Enterprises Inc.


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